Cape Town 2016

16 July 2016 at The Bandwidth Barn

This will be the third annual do_action event in Cape Town and the community couldn’t be more excited. We have a nicely varied selection of non-profits this year and we’re looking forward to serving them.

The Cape Town do_action events have traditionally been exciting, entertaining and hugely rewarding – not to mention endlessly beneficial to the non-profit organisations that are involved in the day. This year promises to be even better with a lot of refinements to the process and plenty of great organisations on board.

This year’s event will be taking place as part of the Mandela Day weekend on 16 July 2016 at the Bandwidth Barn in the Woodstock Exchange. Registration starts at 8am and work will begin at 9am.

We are proud to be included as an official Mandela Day action.

Nelson Mandela International Day